Not your average book about gender!
It’s a kid’s guide to BEING your fullest self using the stunning and infinite reflection of nature to burst OUT of the boxes that limit ALL of us.
| Our Mission & Values | Our Story |
Change is in the air!
We, the people, are ready for a new way in the world: a new way of thinking, of relating, of being– rooted in equality, freedom and peace. NOW, more than ever, more and more of us are moving toward this, creating change in our families, our lives and the world.
For us, at Reflection Press, we like change that starts at the bottom and rises! That’s why we begin with our most disenfranchised in society with the belief that real freedom, equality and the possibility of peace rises from there. So we focus a big part of our work on children–children of color, transgender kids, gender diverse & non-binary kids,…..all kids. We produce materials that support a strong sense of individuality along with a community model of real inclusion. Our materials teach social awareness, critical thinking skills, as well as provide much needed reflection and respect.
One day, hopefully not too far in the future, we will acknowledge the full depth and breadth of our human history. One day, we will cherish and appreciate each person’s unique contribution in their talents and their way of being in the world. We need EVERYONE to be whole. One day, we will no longer be able to deny this truth. And eventually, this will lead us to have insight into the often painful and challenging lessons we have been and are currently learning through, regarding misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and more.
It is today that we need to think about what kind of world we want for our children tomorrow. Equality? Freedom? Peace? From where we stand now we can only imagine what these really feel like. We cannot know equality until everyone is equal. We cannot know freedom until everyone is free. Not just here, but everywhere. Can we as a people make this future possible? Can we raise our children to be strong and wise allies toward a future like this? Can we learn the lesson? Can we create real change?